Pemba Island, known as "The Green Island" in Arabic is an island forming part of the Zanzibar Archipelago, lying off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean.
Pemba is a magical island. Unlike Unguja (Zanzibar), Pemba is hilly. Gentle,undulating hills and deep verdant valleys are all covered with a dense cover of clove, coconut, mango and other fruit and crop plantations. A more fertile land is difficult to imagine.
Pemba is also becoming well known for its dive sites, with steep drop-offs, untouched coral and very abundant marine life.
Much of Pemba is relatively ‘undiscovered’ and you’ll still have things more or less to yourself, which is a big part of the island’s charm. The main requirement for travelling around independently is time, as there’s little regular transport off the main routes.
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Pemba is a magical island. Unlike Unguja (Zanzibar), Pemba is hilly. Gentle,undulating hills and deep verdant valleys are all covered with a dense cover of clove, coconut, mango and other fruit and crop plantations. A more fertile land is difficult to imagine.
Pemba is also becoming well known for its dive sites, with steep drop-offs, untouched coral and very abundant marine life.
Much of Pemba is relatively ‘undiscovered’ and you’ll still have things more or less to yourself, which is a big part of the island’s charm. The main requirement for travelling around independently is time, as there’s little regular transport off the main routes.
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Courtesy of Hupertours
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