Sunday, July 24, 2016

History of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and his time at Pugu Secondary School formerly known as St. Francis College

Mwalimu Julius Nyerere who was born in 1922 as Julius Kambarage Nyerere joined St.Francis College now known as Pugu Secondary as a History teacher  just after he earned his master's degree  in history and economics at Edinburgh University in 1952 .

He was by then  the first  Tanganyikan to have a masters degree that earned him an opportunity  to teach in one of the best  elite school in the country, a school  that was only admitting  best students from all parts of the country .

One of his notable student was Benjamin mkapa ,the third president of Tanzania who followed  "Mwalimu" footsteps to "specialize" in language  studies, " English"  at University level who moved to the school and graduated at Pugu in 1956.

Pugu Secondary School that Nyerere teach from 1952 to 1955 ,EK images

Nyerere remained at the school until 1955 where he resigned and officially  started his political journey to lead Tanganyika now known as Tanzania to independence .

His resignation was not easy since his job at the school earned him a salary that was helping and supporting  his family .The school authority made it difficult for him and asked him to choose between his teaching post or his membership with TANU , the party that he helped to form in 1954.Later he found himself with no choice and decided to leave the school.

"Dear father Lynch ,the headmaster St.Francis College .  I have considered the choice which you have given me between my job at the school and my membership of TANU and have come to the conclusion that i must resign from my post at the school"  Julius Nyerere 22 March 1955.

Pugu Secondary school formerly known as St.Francis College ,EK images

Nyerere loved his job of teaching, a job that earned him the honorific name " Mwalimu "  which means a teacher.

His time at the school was made not easy by the British Colonial government that was lead by Governor Sir Edwin Twining as they saw him as a troublemaker and decided to downgrade his salary to discourage him for pursuing his political goals .

Julius Nyerere house at Pugu Secondary formerly known as St.Francis College ,EK images

Later Nyerere  became the first Tanzania president and was an instrumental person in the union between the islands of Zanzibar and the mainland Tanganyika to form Tanzania .

One of the classes that Nyerere taught at Pugu Secondary school ,EK images

Story  and  photographs by Erasmus K (from EK studios ) , July 2016.


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